DNSSrvRec Usage

dnssrvrec /?

AddSrvRec V01.00.00cpp Joe Richards (joe@joeware.net) January 2006

 DNSSrvRec [switches]

  Switches: (designated by - or /)

   -clear xx    Clear DNS SRV records with name xx
         Format xx
         The format for xx is a semicolon delimited list of DNS
         names such as _ldaps._tcp.dom.com or

   -replace yy  Replace DNS SRV records with name yy
   -delrec yy   Delete DNS SRV records with name yy
   -addrec yy   Add DNS SRV records with name yy
         Format yy
         The format for yy is a semicolon delimited list of DNS
         Records. Each DNS record has the format:
               aaa - DNS Name (_ldaps._tcp.dom.com)
               bb  - TTL Value (300)
               cc  - Priority (0)
               dd  - Weight (100)
               ee  - Port (636)
               fff - Host Name (somedc.dom.com)

   -delim x     Delimiter to separate values in DNS Record.
   -mrdelim x   Delimiter to separate multiple DNS Records.

    You can have multiple actions (add/delete/clear/replace) in
    a single command, they will be processed in the order clear, replace
    delete, and add.

    DNSSrvRec -addrec _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc01.joe.com
      Add DNS SRV Record _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com with TTL=600,
      priority=0, weight=100, port=636, and hostname of 2k3dc01.joe.com
  Ex2: (command is all one line)
    DNSSrvRec -addrec _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc01.joe.com;
      Add 2 DNS SRV Records for _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com
    DNSSrvRec -delrec _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc01.joe.com
      Delete specified specific DNS SRV Record.
    DNSSrvRec -clear _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com
      Clear all SRV Records for _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com
    DNSSrvRec -replace _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc01.joe.com
      Replace all SRV Records for _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com with specified record.

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